Yesterday I had posted about my excitement about my dossier and my disappointment that I may not be able to send my dossier to China next week. I have been speaking with a very sweet friend through facebook and their family (also an adoptive family to five beautiful China Treasures) has been following our journey to bring Tynsleigh home. We were supposed to meet up last weekend and havoc came over my house over the weekend...stomach bug in my youngest daughter and granddaughter, food poisoning in my oldest daughter, my other daughter was sick with something. It was a crazy, yucky weekend and I couldn't meet up with her. I felt so bad. The stomach bug made its rounds through a few more kids in my house but I think we are finding our normal again...just in time to take them trick or treating tonight (wait til you see them in their costumes...I will be sure to post pictures cute).
Anyways, back to where I was... Last night I was crunching numbers, looking around to see what else I could sell in the house (anything that isn't nailed down...LOL), and trying to figure out where it was going to come from. Finally, I put my computer, paper and pen away. I knew what I had to do. I prayed. I prayed for a sign. I prayed for God to watch over my sweet girl. I prayed that he would show me his plan so that I could bring this sweet girl home.
Today I got the three little ones ready to go to the store to get groceries. Boy, were the parking lots full. The stores were crazy. I live in the country and do not like crowds and busy busy cities. I parked the truck and my son (the 18 year old) and the three little ones and I went into the store. As I was walking in my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number but I picked it up. It was the dear friend that I was suppose to meet with. She told me that God had talked to her last night and has laid our journey to Tynsleigh on her heart lately. We talked and it was so great. I had felt so much weight lift off of my shoulder knowing someone who has so much in common with me has walked the same path and was walking our journey with us. I felt God telling me that this was my sign. To know that he has others praying for our beautiful girl and praying her home. I wasn't alone in this journey. I needed to hear that. I need to remember that. Tynsleigh's journey is just as beautiful as she is.
This sweet lady had told me in our conversation that her family was mailing us a check for our adoption. I was so touched. It was a blessing. Then she told me that she was going to send us a check for the $5,000 that we needed to send our dossier to China! What?!? Only God can do amazing things like this. This sweet family (fellow China Adoptive Family) does not want me to mention their name because they want all of the Glory to be on GOD! Only God! This is amazing and I can not thank this family or God enough for this gift.
I cried in the middle of the grocery store! Cried! Cried tears of joy!
So, we WILL be DTC (Dossier to China) this week!!!! I can't wait!!!
Thank you to God and all of those precious families who have helped us in our journey so far!!!
Much LOVE <3 to all of you!!!
I am so pleased for you. Thank you God !