I have four children that came to be mine through birth. The oldest is my (almost) 23 year old daughter. She married her high school sweetheart (actually they met in Middle School), David. He has grown so much as a father and a husband. He loves his family and does his best to take care of him. They have a beautiful 3 year old daughter (my first grandchild and my first granddaughter) named Ameliya. She was named after her Great-Great-Great Grandmother Hyacinth Amelia Agens. She was a fiesty old lady who was an amazing woman that lived until she was 100 years old. Ameliya has A LOT of her namesakes spunk in her. She is a sassy, sweet, spirited little girl. She loves so enormously and is very bright. They also have a 6 1/2 month old son (my second grandchild and my first grandson) named Carter. He was born with the most amazing head full of blonde hair that naturally went into a Mohawk when his hair was brushed. Yes, full head of white blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. He is always such a happy boy (unless he is teething then he doesn't like to let his mommy sleep). My daughter is an amazing mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend.

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